Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 7 - Catching up with the schedule

Since I had to stay in Thunder Bay and replace my rear tire, I was behind my own schedule. I should've rode 2-3 more hours the other day, instead I checked in a motel.

Well, I researched all the Suzuki official dealerships - the only one; and all other motorcycle shops. Since I cannot make calls from my cellphone, I rode to the only one Suzuki dealership and arrived to its openning at 8:30 in the morning. I was told that one mechanic is on vacation and the other one called in sick, and the bike could be taken care of only at around noon.

Screw that, I rode to the other one on the list, but unfortunately it was out of business. Some people recommended, and called the opther one on the list and I was told that they'll take care of me as soos as I arrive. When I showed up, the mechanic could not be located, but was timed in. Once he was found, he rolled my bike inside the shop and went out for a smoke break. OK, I'll wait. Since I unpacked all the gear from the bike, I was just waiting outside under the heat. First time I went inside the shop, the rear wheel was of and the mechanic, carring a coffee: "Man, I haven't had a breakfast, let me drink my coffee first". He was drinking his coffee for about 40 minutes.

When I checked next time, he was removing the old tire from the wheel.He appologized for the delay, when I replied: "It's a bad thing to rush a mechanic - take your time, Ive got 2000 miles before I get home". Well, he was done at 10:30 and off I went. I wanted to get out of town as soon as possible. I spotted this and stopped to take some pictures.

Someone just created it at his front yard. Next thing I needed was gas and breakfast. I stopped by the first dine/gas station on the way. Look at the plate, it was delicious.

While talking with the owner and the other visitors, I spotted I cutout from a newspaper of Letowski'd move to Russia's hockey league. I asked why it's handing on the wll, whe the owner told me that she is Trevor's aunt. Look at her...

I told her that I was from Kazakhstan, where Trvor is playing now,she was shocked. During the long conversation, she told me that the parents of Staal brothers live just before Thunder Bay and she could give me diections to stop by. Sorry, I was going different direction. If I knew, I'd stop the day before when I passed. She said, their farm has a big sign "The Home of Staal brothers", or something like that. Here is her diner...

Then I just rode along my route, very scenery ride...

While ridinf along, I spotted another good place for pictures. When I was about to enter th sopt, I saw that guy...

The spot was some kinda camping place...

Here is some more pictures from the ride...

OK, I'm late into my schedule, but will ry to stop by in Toronto.

Have a ood night.

Let's Go Blades.


  1. Hmm. Pictures 11 and 12 are of "Find a difference" category. I found one.

  2. Great ride Saken.I'm Mark and work in Validation.We're enjoying the virtual travel with you.Thanks for taking us along. My oldest daughter and I took a ride out west a couple of summers ago and we were looking at your blog the other night.Brings back good cycle travel memories.Safe travel.
